With appearances in famous venues such as The Kennedy Center and Disney World,
Rick Hubbard brings his Kazoobie Kazoo Show to Hilton Head Island on July 26, 2024,
from 8 – 9:30 PM. The stage at Liberty Oak Tree in Harbour Town, Sea Pines is the
place to be for this one-of-a-kind show filled with fun, music and comedy. With over 35
years of experience entertaining families on Hilton Head Island, Rick delivers a joyful
event where every kid gets to be part of the action. Free kazoos are given to everyone
during the grand finale.
Looking for a fun way to spend the day with your children or your friends that are just
kids-at-heart? The Kazoo Factory in Beaufort, SC may be what you are looking for. Rick
Hubbard is the founder of Kazoobie Kazoos, America’s only full-time manufacturer of
plastic kazoos. Nearly one million kazoos are shipped worldwide from the Beaufort
factory annually.
A kazoo is a musical instrument that alters the player’s voice by adding a “buzzing”
quality to it. Humming into the flattened side causes fluctuating air pressure that makes
the kazoo’s membrane vibrate. The pitch and volume are controlled by the player’s
Offered five times throughout the day, factory tours include a video presentation, a
guided walk through the factory explaining how everything works, kazoo demonstrations
and the opportunity to make your very own kazoo. The tour is usually between 45
minutes to one hour.
Kazoobie Kazoos is home not only to the factory but to a museum and gift shop as well.
The Kazoo Museum is open year round (except major holidays) and houses a
wonderful collection of historic and interesting kazoos.
The factory is handicap accessible and parking is plentiful and free. Check out
https://thekazoofactory.com for more information.